Time Bank Updates

Heights Time Bank Stats
Current Number of Members = 37
Sampling of Requests = Help hanging rain gutters, instruction about how to take care of house plants
Sampling of Offers = Help with lowering your cable bill, filling your freezer with home-cooked meals

Looking Back: September

  • The Houston Heights Time Bank was featured on KPFT 90.1 on Wednesday, September 30 in a 30-minute interview on ECO-ology. Listen to the segment!
Looking Ahead: October
  • Friday, October 16 @ 7pm: Join us for a Time Bank Potluck! Bring a dish or a drink to share and earn a time dollar, or just bring yourself and spend a time dollar. Feel free to bring your friends, family, neighbors--or anyone else interested in time banking! Location = 1134 Jerome Street; RSVP = saracotner@yahoo.com
Next Steps

Follow the directions below to set up your profile. Then e-mail Sara at saracotner@yahoo.com to set up an orientation if you have not yet attended one.
  1. Go to http://community.timebanks.org
  2. Click on Find Your Time Bank
  3. Scroll down to the Houston Heights Time Bank
  4. Complete Steps 1-4 to set up your account
  5. Click on the give & receive tab to create or receive an offer
Current Members: Continue to add your requests and your offers by following the directions below:
  1. Go to http://community.timebanks.org
  2. Sign in
  3. Click on the give & receive tab to create or receive an offer
Happy Time Banking!