Monthly Newsletter

Coordinator's Corner

Greetings from the Heights Time Bank! I had my first official time banking exchange this month. I met Debbie at the pot luck. The following week, I went over to her house to help her declutter and organize her office. Just for the record, I'm not some sort of decluttering or organizational consultant or expert. However, I have read some books, and I like to think that I can provide good company and motivation to get a daunting task done. As we cleared out piles and piles of paper, I thought to myself, "Hooray for the Houston Heights Time Bank! Without it, I would never have been sitting in a neighbor's house helping her organize her space. What an amazing way to meet new people and build a network of neighbors helping neighbors." I hope you find yourself helping and being helped by your neighbors this month!

Heights Time Bank Stats
Current Number of Members = 25
Sampling of Requests = Pet-sitting, banjo lessons, help with hanging rain gutters
Sampling of Offers = Workout buddy, graphic design, fresh eggs from backyard chickens

Looking Ahead: May

Sunday, May 3 @ 4:00pm: Join us for a brief New Member Orientation! We will discuss how a time bank got started in the Heights, as well as how to join and participate. Location = 1134 Jerome Street

Friday, May 15 @ 7pm:
Join us for a Time Bank Potluck! Bring a dish or a drink to share and earn a time dollar, or just bring yourself and spend a time dollar. Feel free to bring your friends, family, neighbors--or anyone else interested in time banking! Location = 1134 Jerome Street

Looking Back: April

Time Bank Opening:
We officially opened the Houston Heights Time Bank when we reached 20 members. Our goal is to have 150 by next March! Remember, you earn an hour for every new person you recruit!

Second Business Partnership:
We partnered with Sew Crafty on White Oak! Our business partners help keep the time bank free to members. A huge thank you to Sarah for helping to make our dream a reality! We are still looking for two more business partners to donate $150 a year to subsidize the cost of our software. If you know of any leads, please e-mail me.

Monthly Potluck: We didn't let the rain deter us from our monthly meet and greet. We met new people while munching on yummy snacks (like six-layer dip, quiche, cous-cous, cupcakes, etc.!).

Next Steps

Follow the directions below to set up your profile. Then e-mail Sara at or Sue at to set up an orientation if you have not yet attended one.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Find Your Time Bank
  3. Scroll down to the Houston Heights Time Bank
  4. Complete Steps 1-4 to set up your account
  5. Click on the give & receive tab to create or receive an offer

Current Members: Continue to add your requests and your offers by following the directions below:
  1. Go to
  2. Sign in
  3. Click on the give & receive tab to create or receive an offer
Happy Time Banking!